Junkanooacome Landscape Drawings
Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, salt, graphite on Stonehenge paper
22.5 x 15 inches
Junkanooacome portrait drawings, (2018-ongoing)
This series of drawings are based on a performance titled, "Junkanooacome" a work I've been developing since 2018.
These portraits are created out of my research and mostly re-imagined through the explorations of color, textures, visual elements. They inform the character development and wearable art I create for the performances.
"JunkanooHakkaMama: Send Me as You Spirit Healer" (2018-2020)
Chinese ink on paper, 8.5 x 11 inches
These series of drawings are based on a performance I completed in 2018 under the same title. Other drawings were created on a smaller scale and later developed into larger sized drawings like these. In this performance work I want the viewer to engage with re-experiencing their senses and to have a deeper appreciation for them. The idea is to have this be a group therapy where we celebrate our interdependence on each other and operate as one organism. In the performance, participants are initially prescribed a condition based on chance and later treated with objects and substances concocted by the artist.

Some of these drawings are mere studies for larger works.
While some drawings exist just as an exploration of performance work. I draw and debate what is possible and what's not. I ask myself, 'can my body or a group of bodies do this and that?'

Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, ink on paper. 15"x20"

Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, ink on paper. 15"x20"

Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, ink on paper. 15"x20" (3)

Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, ink on paper. 15"x20"
These series of drawings are a part of the exhibit "The Presence of our Absence" (2012). These drawings are inspired by Henri Rausseau's "The Dream". In Russeau's version the black figure almost disappears into the flora. Here I made the figure present.